Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Week 8 of 23 Things

Hello out there!

Hope you had a good Labor Day weekend.

How's it going with the 23 Things? I see some folks are getting back to it and catching up. This is self-paced learning so you can do that! And a few people have reported that they have finished! Meanwhile, Nini Beegan from DLDS has a message for you about week 8 when you are ready to listen for about one minute -'s what Week 8 is all about:

Week 8: Online Applications & Tools18. Take a look at some online productivity (word processing, spreadsheet) tools.19. Explore any site from the Web 2.0 awards list, play with it and write a blog post about your findings.
Tip -
If you find that you are running out of time to do these exercises, maybe you can skip the "optional" ones and keep going. You can always go back when you have more time ;)
