Monday, July 23, 2007

Week 2, Thing 3 - Set up a blog with Blogger

Some tips for this one:

  • If you have a Gmail account, then you pretty much already have a Blogger account. Google owns Blogger. You can use your Gmail username and password to sign in and set up your blog.
  • You can also set up blogger so that you email your posts in.
  • It is probably best to set up comments on your blog so that they are moderated. If not, you may get splogged.

Please do at least one sample post before registering your blog. You can reflect on the 71/2 habits, the process of creating your blog, etc. The blogroll is more interesting if you have created at least one post before registering your blog to be added to the list.

1 comment:

Susan G. said...

Keep up the great work!

We couldn't do this project without your help!